English Name: Smoothbelly sardinella
Local Name: Maarehi
Order: Clupeiformes
Size: Common to 15 cm; max. 23 cm
Specimen: MRS/0492/97
Distinctive Characters: Body moderately slender, belly rather rounded, scutes not prominent. 31-35 lower gill rakers on first gill arch. Pelvic fin with 8 rays. Last two anal fin rays enlarged. Fronto-parietal bones(on top of head) with 7-14 striations. Upper and lower bulges on supramaxillary bone symmetrical.
Colour: Back blue-green, flanks silvery and without spots. Dorsal fin dusky.
Habitat and Biology: Pelagic and usually inshore, forms schools in shallow coastal waters.
Distribution: Indo-West Pacific.
Remarks: Arnhlvgaster leiogaster does not appear to be especiallycommon in the Maldives, since this is the first record of its occurrence here. However, this may be due to the fact that it is not caught by the fishing gears normally used here. The specimen reported here was taken during experimental fishing carried by Marine Research Section using gillnets on 25th April 1996.