English Name: Zebra shark, Variegated shark
Local Name: Faana ni iyaru
Order: Orectolobitormes
Size: To 3.5 m or more
Distinctive Characters: Long caudal fin, about half the total length. Small barbels on either side of small mouth. First dorsal set well back and much larger than second. Prominent ridges on sides of body.
Colour: Adults pale brown with dark spots. Juveniles dark brown with vertical yellow stripes.
Habitat and Biology: Found on coral reefs. A rather sluggish shark. Strictly nocturnal; feeds on molluscs.sea snakes, crustaceans and fish. Oviparous.
Distribution: Indo-West Pacific.
Remarks: Stegostoma lasciatum is not a very common shark in Maldives. but is occasionally seen resting on the bottom by div ers. This shark is unaggressive when approached under water.