English Name: Starspotted smooth-hound shark
Local Name: Hon’du miyaru
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Size: Max. about 1.2 m
Distinctive Characters: A small, slender shark with head somewhat flattened. Nasal flaps not reaching mouth. No nasal grooves. Mouth broadly angular. First dorsal fin large with origin in front of rear margin of pectorals. Second dorsal fin much larger than anal. Ridge between dorsals.
Colour: Uniform grey or grey-brown above, light below. A series of small white spots on sides.
Habitat and Biology: Bottom dwelling in continental waters. Commonly close inshore especially on mud and sandy bottoms. Feeds on small bottom fishes, molluscs and crustaceans. Ovoviviparous; number of young 1 to 22; increasing markedly with size of mother.
Distribution: Indian Ocean to Western North Pacific.
Remarks: Mustelus manazo in the Maldives is foundon outer atoll slopes in depths of 100-200 m. Specimens here lack the white spots typical of this species in other locations.