English Name: Silvertip shark
Local Name: Kattafulhi miyaru
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Size: Max, 3 m
Specimen: MRS/P031 1/88
Distinctive Characters: Snout moderatelylong and broadly rounded. Upperteeth broadly triangular. Second dorsal fin with a base less than twice height. Ridge between dorsal fins.
Colour: Grey above, pale below. First dorsal, pectoral, pelvic and caudal fins with extremely conspicuous white tips and posterior margins.
Habitat and Biology: Occurs inshore and offshore from the surface to a depth of 800 m. Feeds on both bottom and pelagic fish, including rays and cephalopods. Viviparous, with a yolk-sac placenta; number of
young 1 to 11 per litter, often 5 to 6.
Distribution: Tropical lndo-Pacific.
Remarks: Carcharhinus albimarginatus is said to be very aggressive and individuals often have evidence of combat scars. This shark is potentially dangerous to people. Rarely seen by divers in the Maldives,
although there have been regular sightings at two sites in An Atoll.